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ResponseException Model

ResponseException Model

  Sergi |  December 182021
using System;

namespace BlazorIndexedDb.Models
/// Manage own exceptions

public class ResponseException : Exception
/// Command throw the exception

public string Command { get; set; }
/// Store name throw the exception

public string StoreName { get; set; }
/// Data inside the transaction if have

public string TransactionData { get; set; }
/// Basic constructor

public ResponseException() : base() { }
/// Constructor with message

public ResponseException(string message) : base(message) { }
/// Contructur with message and exception

public ResponseException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { }

/// Basic internal constructor

public ResponseException(string command, string storeName, string data) : base($"[{command}] {storeName}") =>
(Command, StoreName, TransactionData) = (command, storeName, data);
/// Constructor with the inner Exception

public ResponseException(string command, string storeName, string data, Exception innerException) : base($"[{command}] {storeName}", innerException) =>
(Command, StoreName, TransactionData) = (command, storeName, data);
/// Return error formated

public override string ToString() =>
$"{this.Message} {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TransactionData) ? "" : $"({this.TransactionData})")}";

Used when have some exception from the insert, uptade, delete or select actiontions.

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